Hospice Providers
Here is a list of Veterinarians Providing Home Hospice Care in the Sacramento Area

Sacramento Area Home Hospice Providers
Please check web site information to confirm availability for your location
Other Providers may be found in the Pet Hospice Directory www.pethospicefinder.com
Dr. Susan Mowatt, Dr. Sue Pet Hospice, (916) 224-5543
Dr. Kelly Chandler, Love Always Veterinary Care, (530) 906-2490
Dr. Stacy Michaelis, Hearts at Home, (530) 444-4356
Lap of Love, (916)318-7078 www.lapoflove.com/Locations-California-Sacramento
Dr. Lynn Hendrix, Dr. Derek Wicklund-Blahut, Dr. Ashley Keffler-Roa, Beloved Pet Mobile Vet, (844) 383-2768 or (530) 341-8796 or (916) 348-8397
Davis, Sacramento, Woodland and towns within 40 miles of Davis
Information provided by Peace for Pets, www.PeaceForPets.net
For corrections or additions to this list, please contact Evelyn Ivey, DVM
(916)250-3239, Dr.Ivey@PeaceForPets.net