Loving care of your Pet’s body
is a part of saying goodbye

There are several options when caring for a loved pet’s body.
Please ask Dr. Ivey if you have any questions or special requests.
If you would like, Dr. Ivey will take your pet (up to 100 lb) with her when she leaves your home and arrange cremation with Heaven’s Gate Pet Memorial Center in Wheatland. Dr. Ivey is proud to partner with Heaven’s Gate, a family owned and operated pet cremation service. Each body is handled with loving care and respect, and each pet family is treated with care and compassion. Heaven’s Gate offers exceptional attention to detail so that each pet owner will be assured of receiving the best care for their beloved companion. If your pet weighs moree than 100 lb, or you prefer to take care of your pet's body yourself, please click HERE for more information.
Private Cremation with the Ashes Returned
If you chose to have your pet’s body privately cremated, the cremation will be completely private; only one pet is in the cremation chamber at one time. You are guaranteed to receive your pet’s, and only your pet’s, ashes. A Rosewood Box Urn or Woven Bamboo Scatter Pouch is included with the private cremation.

Rosewood Box (Tree of Life) Urn
Included with Private Cremation

Woven Bamboo Scatter Pouch
Included with Private Cremation
If you select the Rosewood Box, there is optional engraving, with your choice of a metal name plate (brass or brushed aluminum finish) or laser engraving directly on the wood. Engraving is $50.

Urns with Metal Name Plates
Left: Brass Finish & Script Font
Right: Brushed Aluminum Finish & Block Font

Urn with Laser Engraving on the wood
Showing Block Font (top) & Script Font (bottom)
Special Cremation Services
Heaven’s Gate offers a lovely selection of specialty urns, jewelry and other memorial keepsakes. Custom urns and keepsakes are ordered directly from the Heaven’s Gate. More information is available HERE.
Metal Implant Retrieval Please notify Dr. Ivey if your pet has metal implants (bone plates and screws) that you would like to be returned with your pet's ashes.
Return of Ashes
Within 1-2 weeks, the ashes will be ready.
You may pick up ashes at Heaven’s Gate in Wheatland, or they may be delivered to your home by USPS Overnight Ashes Delivery Service (shipping is $50). A signature is REQUIRED for home delivery, so someone must be home to receive the package. You will be notified by phone when the ashes are ready and you may chose the day of delivery. Witnessed Cremation and same day return of ashes are also available by appointment with Heaven’s Gate.
Communal Cremation
If you do not wish to have your pet’s ashes returned, your pet will be cremated along with other loved pets. The ashes will be respectfully scattered at a beautiful 20 acre horse ranch in Lincoln, CA. This is also the site of FieldHaven Feline Center, and is open to the public.
Collars, toys, blankets, and other items cannot be cremated with your pet.
Clay Paw Print
You may wish to have an imprint of your pet’s paw. Your pet’s paw is pressed into polymer clay, the clay is inscribed with your pet’s name and baked. These are available in White or Terra Cotta colors, and Round or Heart Shape. These are made by and sent from Heaven’s Gate, and are only available if your pet is to be cremated (private or communal).

Lock of Hair
If you wish to have a clipping of your pet’s hair, Dr. Ivey will clip and tie a lock of hair for you. For pets with very short coats, loose hair is placed in a small glass bottle.
Other Aftercare Options
If you choose to care for your pet’s body yourself, there are several options:
Owner Arranged Cremation You may to chose to bring your pet directly to the pet crematory. Advantages of bringing your pet to the crematory yourself may include: having more time with your pet’s body, having the opportunity to witness the cremation, same day return of ashes, being able to see custom urns and keepsakes on display, and cost savings. Please click HERE for a list of Sacramento Area Pet Crematories. You may also choose to arrange cremation with your regular veterinarian or a local animal shelter.
Cemetery Burial You may wish for your pet to be interred at a pet cemetery.
Please Click HERE for a list of Sacramento Area Pet Cemeteries.
Burial at Home may be permitted in some municipalities – the pet owner is responsible for ensuring that all local regulations are followed. Please be aware that drugs used during euthanasia can be toxic to wild and domestic animals, including birds. Where home burial is legal, make sure that the grave is deep enough to cover the body with at least 3 feet of packed soil, and cover the site with stones or pavers to prevent birds and animals from contacting the body. Do not bury near utilities, wells, waterways, or areas that are prone to flooding.